Tesla Turbine Power Page is an
extension of the
Turbo or vortex (Latin) The Nikola Tesla Disc Rotor Turbine is in either form a Rotary - gas, steam, water "Engine" or Pump, hydraulic motor or Air-Compressor. There
are also two
distinct turbine designs. This time the difference is in the housing
instead the runner except in the
pumps, water and compressors the runner disks are spaced a little
The powerful torque is not produced by reaction or impulse. It is produced by the molecular adhesion and viscosity of the fluid properties to the disk surfaces, the same with gases, steam or air . The runner consists of 3 or more narrow 1/16" stainless steel disks rotating within a housing with a standard disk spacing of the disk thickness in between disks. The critical part is not in the housing and seal tolerances, instead it is in the combustion chamber and slot to rotor OD, entry and exit design, intake pressures, disk spacing, disk ID, OD, width and number of disks with riveting practices. As you can guess there are many possibilities of application. You'll wonder why the world is not making use of this wonderful invention of Tesla and why we know so little about it. Have you ever wondered why you get so many confusing, misleading and contradicting answers from leading forum members to your honest and well meant questions? Just look at the forum picture record. If you see a 9k message number and only a 10 Picture replication photograph record, or if the forum is quiet, you know something is very wrong with the overall picture of the forum!!!!! A feeling of discouragement after not getting the answers you expected from the leading forum members is more than just likely psychological control pointing to Illuminati stooges in the forums. It has all to do with global control more than ever. If you want to be certain not getting corrupted by them do not answer any privat emails no matter how friendly they are!!!!! I speak from experience; I do not call them snakes in my parts page for no reason. God is continually warning his true follower through inner feelings, which feelings are never wrong. Don't let a stooges uttered paranoia-word influence your thinking, instead know: "BEING SAVE IS BETTER THEN BEING SORRY!!!" I had a feeling for a long time that there is something wrong with Tesla Engine Builders Association TEBA. There are a number of points that annoy me, although so far I wont bother mentioning them. The most obvious two blocks I stumbled over are: 1. The 21” Tesla turbine promoted as a standard size turbine by TEBA, intended for the serious researcher. 2. Looks like the TEBA leaders are making sure the small turbine is not promoted. So far I haven't seen any proper info on them anyhow. Who in the right mind would want to mount a big contraption like that into some kind of moving vehicle.... well isn't this what we are interested in? You are committed for low rpm with that big thing! Tesla used this size turbine for 400HP and up!!! Not flexible enough for home use. I get the impression it is precisely what TEBA, or whoever is in charge, wants to prevent!!!! 10" discs 200HP and smaller, producing under 100 HP will suffice for home brew, therefore we wouldn't need such a big machine. The oppression methods of the money grabbers haven’t changed to this day. The more I read of Tesla related "net" information, the more I can see the devious practice efforts of discouragement and psychological manipulation between the lines in their files towards private individuals building these turbines. Examples: ...."As for why the disk-turbine design hasn't seen significant practical application, this is a complex issue"..which is a straight out lie. The answer is simple: ...oppression."Tesla's stated claims for the engine have been difficult to reproduce in the real world."....Yea, because of oppression, but certainly not because of technical reasons!!!!!!!!! The same with their lower statement: "Tesla himself had insurmountable difficulties when it came to the introduction of a commercially viable version" Yep, because Morgan, affiliates and their engineer buddies made sure of it!!!!!!!!! The letter under functioning gas turbine supposedly from Tesla his hand signature wasn't on that letter anybody could have writte it!!! And towards the beginning of the page,What kind of nonsense is this?: "Keep in mind that while the rotor efficiencies can be very high, the fluid flow losses entering and exiting the rotor can be significant and difficult to reduce." What fluid flow losses entering? If the person who wrote this would have used a cone at the entrance like Tesla suggested the fluid would have entered in the cyclone mode enhancing the flow. The turbine is either operated as a motor or as a pump. In the first, the fluid at the intake is under pressure exchanging torque to the shaft for the pressure by 90% or more, which no other turbine is capable of. In the second the rotor is being driven with the fluid flow rapidly building by the cone already at the intake all the way through to the volute exit of the pump. As you can see in neither case the above statement is holding any water, can't call it fluid flow loss entering or exiting, the statement is therefore an oxymoron, which is a typical negative engineer behavior of ignoring most important facts outlined by the inventor with the obvious negative result . Hydrogen, gasoline or diesel has a potential or stored energy. Once it is ignited it turns into kinetic energy as heated expanding gases driving the Tesla discs by its heating expanding force through its molecular adhesion and viscosity properties transforming its kinetic energy into great torque to the shaft. Once the expanding velocity is spent through to the center of the discs, then naturally, little of its kinetic energy is left, which is the very reason why Tesla turbines are so efficient. Any individual who claims his Tesla disc turbine's efficiency is less than 90% is not likely interested in truth, not following Tesla and has purposely bungled up the turbine, especially if engineers are involved!!!! A conservative example is a Tesla's engine turbine with a 9-3/4" DIA rotor at 9000 revolutions, the disk pack is 2" wide a weight of 20 pounds with an output of 110 Horsepower. Under proper conditions 1000 horsepower might be reached as Tesla stated around the year 1911. Proper conditions would be for instance by using thicker shaft, disc sizing, compounding with the exhaust leading to a low pressure unit carrying about three times the number of disks of the high pressure element, coupled to a condenser drawing 28 to 29" of vacuum etc........In any case there is no turbine or engine existing on the market to this day, which gets even close to Tesla's 98% efficiency, a horse power to pound weight ratio of 10:2 and better, to which mech. and el. engineer of the Polytech. School of Vienna, Fritz Loewenstein was a prove-witness in July 1911 by a sworn statement....writes: For so small a prime mover of 102.8 brake H.P. at 100lbs. steam 18000 R.P.M. exhaust vac. of 15", 5481 lbs water cosumed/hr, 53.4 brake H.P./hr of steam consumption, the efficiency was remarkably high. He had also found the turbine being more economical in steam consumption than any other as given by the guarantee of steam consumption of well known manufacturers. When I point out that engineers are a hindrance to the free development of inventions for the better of society, then only be insulted if you are guilty!!!! I do it because of the majority of them are obviously negatively involved according to past history. Why do you think Tesla avoided them! At the same time there are always some that are fully aware of the general problem and are therefore working positively for humanity!!! Why... because they all work under the pressures of the money grabbers because the banksters do need engineers, hence the reason for the overall engineering occupation picture is obviously controlled by the banksters, who are the core of the problem, right to the heart of the universities, which does not excuse certain individuals, for if money and egos talk most people forget about true love...... Running the Tesla gas
disc turbine on the H²O-Vapor-System
Posted: November 5th.08
Well....on paper so
far anyhow. I am expanding on this exiting field in theory for
starters, benefiting the ones interested in Tesla turbines. I think it
is a very exiting project. There is a good chance to build them
without to much trouble. You'll
at least a 10" lathe, horizontal or vertical milling machine with a 30"
table, a band saw and a hydraulic press. The discs stacked can be end
milled and machined on the lathe for the first turbine. Because of the
high number of discs used it would make more sense later on to tackle
the tool and die route. The hardest part is building the die and punch
setup for the discs, called
blanking die. Then there are the washers and center stars to be punched
out with the press. The rest like the housing, burning chamber and
valvular back flow preventer, or one way Fluid-diodes, are just
straight machining and fabricating, although a CNC mill would be nice
for the Valvular Conduit.
Blanking: A blanking die produces a flat piece of material by cutting the desired outer and inner shape in one operation. The finish part is referred to as a blank, the discs in our case. Generally a blanking die may only cut the outside contour of a part, often used for parts with no internal features I think this turbines are a perfect design for hydrogen as a fuel. I know the high operating temperature resulting of the gas could be a problem if driven fully open, but it doesn't have to be. Tesla talked about using more then one fluid cooled fuel chamber around the periphery of the turbine for cooling purposes and also injecting water, which these disc turbines would just relish. Besides who says one has to run the turbine on max output? To run a 75 HP turbine on the 45HP level in order to save the steel from heat damage would be good enough for me especially since the running cost is right where I wan' it. I am fully aware that the turbine power curve stats at 50% of total rpm... so if you want to split hear go ahead!!!! --------------------------------------------------
look at this file for the fuel setup:
H²O-Vapor-System. ---------------------------------------------------
or this for creating the fuel:
March 25, 2008 -------------------------------------------------------
Just a little reminiscing on my biking background. I've always been I biker nut. I used to drive a, not this one (wishful thinking) Triumph Tiger, but this one, coming down to reality, well... it still went like an oiled bullet Tiger 500/51, modified, o, o, with joyful memories, 'till my younger brother Roland blew it up on a German Autobahn (Freeway). Showing Roland how to set the ignition timing with a feeler gage, o. Here is a home built motor bike Fred and I built in 1962 from a Velocette drive train horizontally opposed water cooled, shaft drive, home built frame and BMW tank and fenders, half H foot shift (push sideways and up/down). The mufflers, cutting out all high pitch sound, I built while in my Tool and Die apprentice facility, which is probably the only thing I had built on his bike VEB 200/62. I still call myself a 175IT Yamaha dirt rider even though I haven't ridden in a while... just too busy. ------------------------------------------------------------
A little teaser......This is the power train for my new bike to replace the tiger my little brother blew up. 45HP
(with the HP I’m being conservative here) Posted: November 20-08 This is a 100% Tesla disc turbine drive system. Used are 2 gas turbines, 1 - air compressor, 2 oil pumps, 1 - cooling fluid pump and 1 hydraulic oil Turbo-Disc-Motor. Main Power Source: 5-1/2”- 20 SS-disc Tesla gas-turbine with three cooled pulse-injected combustion chambers of the vortex-swirl principle. Main oil pump: Tesla 5-1/2”- 10 steel disc hydraulic oil pump with lube-oil and cooling-disc pumps on same shaft. Cooling fluid disc pump: 4"-3 steel disc water pump Engine Lube-Oil Pump: 4"-3 steel disc lube-oil pump Turbo Charger: 5-1/2”- 40 SS-disc Tesla exhaust gas turbine with 4-1/2”-16 steel disc air-compressor on same shaft, after cooled. Turbo-Disc-Motor: 5-1/2”-14
steel discs. The Tesla-disc-motor for driving the bike wheel is best
explained in the following: The hydrostatic pressure is
actually only present in the hose between the pump and the disc motor.
Once the oil is entering the periphery of the motor, the motor driving
torque is produced by the oil pressure, molecular adhesion and
viscosity of the
properties to
the disk surfaces
motor-shaft, wheel
to ground, same as the engine above except the hydraulic oil
is driving the discs instead
the hot
combusted fuel
gases. Obviously the proper amount of discs needed is elbow times
trial, since there is no data available. Same with the whole power
plant. It's no where written in may book that it can't be done! People
with running disc turbines keep it quiet for clear reasons, so
write this in your hat, which
why you have to have your own shop equipment! I can assure you that my
drawing below is causing some people I mentioned above, great
anxieties!!!!!! Anybody with a little machining and welding experience
can build these Tesla Turbine marvels with accuracy as the key!
Fuel: Diesel, gas , old oil or hydrogen!!!! On another note, hydraulically... this little powerhouse would of course drive a 10KW generator effortlessly!!!! :)... If you're interested in building your own Tesla disc turbine, then the drawing below is something I worked on just for you. There are some mistakes in it. Left top turbine should have double flange drawn which I missed when copying it from the original, the rest I leave up to you to find. :) TURBO CHARGED 60HP
few instructions
in how to build your own powerful disc turbine drive via a perspective
and a few comments. I have
never built a Tesla
turbine but am getting quite tired of all the negativism spread on the
net concerning
these dominant disc turbine performers. Tesla talked about 98%
efficiency, a
horse power to pound weight ratio of 10:2 and better, says they are
easy to build and
that gas performance is even higher than steam. Seams to me there are
but a bunch of rats running around the Net hording over their cheese. I chose a
small turbine for
the logic to boost it, because I like this kind of machinery. Obviously
simple 9 ¾ DIA turbine with a runner of 16 discs would suffice
for the
occasion. So if you want it simple, that’s the route you’d take, and
listen to the garbage on the Net. This thing about having to have this
jet tube
to make the turbine run is all nonsense. Tesla didn’t use it when
driving his
big alternator didn’t he!!! At the same token it is obvious the more
pressure available entering the disc pack the more torque the rotor
will produce. Tesla was talking about pressurizing the intake. Knowing
that the best weight to power ratio is having the exhaust gas turbine
with compressor
on the same shaft as the main turbine I would design it as such, which
is all fine
if you have the room to do it with. In our case here though, we need a
package “my way” that fits in front of the driver, under the fuel tank
within a bike frame. You
might think the power plant being complicated looking at my drawing at
glance. In reality it’s not so of course. You’ll agree with me once you
take a
closer look. If
you do not understand my perspective, then visualize a slice cut out of
apple and turn the apple until you can only see the one side of the cut
and half
of the exposed apple core and compare it to my drawing. Keep looking at
it and
study the individual parts ‘til it clicks. I wanted the whole unit all
on one sheet
of paper. Because of my scanner size I had to squeeze the different
items into
an A4 standard paper format, making it therefore appear a little
crowded. Having it all in one
frame is making it
easier for you to see at your leisure the different components and
their functions
in relation to each other with the different housings used and its
connections. The units are
described as follows:
weight estimate of the whole unit should be around 60 pounds incl.
hydraulic disc
motor, which will be the heaviest item. The turbine output will be
roughly 80
max HP for a short duration. If
you wonder how I
arrived at those 80HP..... well it was just an educated guess from
up tidbits I've read. A
more realistic figure would be 60 HP. Tesla's
lab numbers
state 5 B.H.P. (brake horse power) per 9-3/4" disc and 3-5/8" DIA
exhaust, under good conditions without to much steel stress with
ultimate higher end figures. I am writing this not knowing whether gas,
steam or both was used . Without considering
Viktor Schauberger's principle, for low pressure turbo charging with
three times the discs under superheat, meaning steam mixed with the H
combustion, we should be able to triple the HP according to Tesla,
which would give us a total of 81.9 B.H.P which is close to my guess.
We'll call it 60 HP to be on the conservative side. __________________________________________ Three
different size Tesla disc turbines:
Tesla used 1/32 German Silver discs same spacing using 6" diameter
discs on
his first turbine built at Long island before he designed the 12"
turbine of 100HP and 16 discs at 6.25hp per disc following with the
(10") turbine at 110hp, 25 discs at 4.4hp per disc. The output of the
12" turbine was supposed to be more
than three times of the
first one. So what was the first one 30 HP? Lets say his 6" turbine
produced in
the neighborhood
of 30 BHP at 35'000 RPM. At approximately 2 BHP per disc,
compared to the given 5HP per disc, we would
look at a disc pack of 15 discs . Although some sources talk of
eight discs and a 1/2"stack. Even
if the total output of the small turbine would have been 1/4 of the 12"
turbine of 100HP and 16 discs, the eight small discs would have had to
produce at least 3HP per disc???? With other words, if indeed it
was an eight disc pack, of 30HP the max output per disc would have been
around 3.75 BHP per 6" disc compared to a 4.4HP 9-3/4 and 25 disc
pack of 110HP! This tells me we can't rate a certain disc size with a
given HP because the disc HP changes with the amount of discs used in
the turbine.
Lets just look at this three performers for a minute: 6" turbine 1/32 disc same spacing 8 discs German Silver discs ca. 30HP at 35'000 rpm and 3.75 HP per disc 12" turbine 1/32 disc same spacing 16 stainless steel discs 100HP at 10'000 rpm and 6.25 HP per disc 9-3/4 (10") turbine 1/32 disc same spacing, 25 stainless steel discs 110 HP at 9'000 rpm and 4.4 HP per disc. The 10" turbine is producing more HP at a lower rpm than the 12" turbine, which tells me that the rpm comes down as you add discs to the turbine, the disc HP rating comes down put the overall HP gos up!!! To the maximum power curve of the particular turbine anyway. Why am I pointing this out? TEBA is stating that people are placing way to many discs into their turbines???? We know now that 25 discs per turbine are not to many. Obviously the gas intake slot would have to be at the proper disc-pack width and proper air/gas pressure. ___________________________________________ 1/32
is quite thin,
would burn up much easier than the next size up, 1mm would perhaps
suffice, except I am placing 35 discs at 1/16" width, with OD
chamfered to a sharp edge, starting with a
1/32" spacing and a 3-3/4"
overall runner width on the drawing board; this way I have some leeway
margin in disc spacing and number of discs to interchange. We
have also a little more horse power to start with at a lower RPM. The
idea is to see
the HP difference in compressor charging between 1/32" and 5/64th"
spacing on the main turbine. There might be to many discs, which does
not matter. I'll keep removing discs until I have the proper output and
rpm. I
think the main shaft should be at least 1-1/4” DIA mild steel, not 22mm
like I drew
it on the power train, especially if discs are used in numbers and over
6" DIA. I
have to get used to the tremendous output those light weight turbines
develop. If you go smaller use a chromium-vanadium and titanium alloy, or similar, for the shaft. If you
have the money it will be worth it. As
you study the different components of the power plant, you will notice
that I
designed them as simple staged parts easily producible on a lathe, with
capabilities of incredible disc-pack and axial pressures which is the
reason for the
used, plus giving room for the bolts. I suggest to using Allen head
screws in stead of standard cap machine bolts. The longest bolts
(standard) are
used holding the water bump housing. Some parts I would prefabricate
and then
machine them to size, which usually saves me from having to buy a big
junk of
steel. The inner exhaust stack for instance. Same with the volute
(spiral) housings. Similar tactic as I used
on my
green crossflow turbine on my Alternative Energy page. If you can tig
weld aluminum, then build the housings with aluminum, except the
main and first half of the bearing compartment which is mounted to the
exhaust assembly. In
reality, the turbo disc charger would sit with more clearance above the
turbine as drawn, in order to get enough room above the oil pump for
pressure booster. Especially since I am thinking of placing a third
combustion chamber. You can well see my trouble I had squeezing it in
there. Also
for maximum boost, the exhaust gas turbine and compressor runner should
be 50%
bigger and/or three times as many discs, than the main turbine runner
in order to get optimum torque out
of the
slower exhaust gases under standard conditions, except I implemented
Schauberger’s principle. Nature adds its fabulous boost through the
thrust (spiral motion) with its special effects. The already present
motion is enhanced by the spiral rib (of proper direction left or right
hand) placed inside the exhaust cone and
cones jet result, speeding up the whirling
gas velocity with diminishing friction in the exhaust stack while it
cools the gas and
its density, thus multiplying the exhaust turbine torque. The
spiral twists per inch, is found on the Kudu antelope's horns
(Schauberger). You’ll find the twist in a long curved line probably 16"
per twist for a 4" inside diameter. Boundary meaning the gas layers which are causing the propelling motion of the discs. A Tesla gas turbine’s exhaust gas velocity is totally different of a conventional bladed turbine especially under torque with a standard disc design, which is to say though that there can be a great variable for disc design due to different aims. Option 1:
The exhaust velocity is controlled by disc surface,
exhaust opening, disc spacing and exhaust vacuum. The bigger the
exhaust opening the more flow and
vacuum, but less torque. The
large size center opening of the
disc you can clearly see in Tesla's gasoline turbine drawing, same
shown in figure 4 of his Valvular patent, whereas comparing it with his
1921 update showing the standard smaller exhaust size, which I would
use in the exhaust gas turbine.
Do not be discouraged by Gary L. Peterson's elaboration of the
composite disc rotor. Stainless steel disc rotors will work just fine
as long water is injected properly and a combustion housing cooling
fluid is used. A Tesla disc rotor has
much different
properties as conventional turbine rotors do, can't compare the two!!!
If something gets sucked into a conventional turbine-rotor during
operation, heavy damage if not an explosion, for sure shut down on the Hudson chill will be the result. With a Tesla turbine,
swallowed meat or a breaking up disk at full RPM will simply be just
spit out of the exhaust with the resulting HP drop, telling you to fix
it when you arrive home; Unless somebody shoots a heat seeking missile
dud into it!!!!
Option 2:
There is little exit thrust and heat left of the
combustion gases if
right disc area, amount of disks and disc spacing is used
![]() Intake slot angle Any of the hot gases not being able to penetrate the disc spaces at the start are carried around on top of the disc periphery for a short distance until penetration. This short distance would be a squeezing compressing slow down action between the housing radius and gas volume until penetration, if the slot angle is in a tangent angle to the housing circumference, also causing gas spillage between the end discs and housing wall space. Therefore the slot angle should not be aimed in a tangent line fashion to the housing circumference, but instead 5° to 8° toward the center of the discs. Brake
Horse Power per disc
Disc horse power is strictly in the design of the turbine effort. High and hot gas flow, big disc surface small exhaust opening , right amount of discs with small disc spacing, electric water/air Tesla pumps for water injection and intake airflow, compact package = maximum HP per disc with slow and cool exhaust, none turbo charged. Turbo charged: I see wider disc spacing, which is questionable and a bigger exhaust opening in loosing some horse power as a trade off for more exhaust flow to run the exhaust gas turbine giving me air pressure from the compressor for compressing three combustion chamber air intakes, the accumulator and pressurizing the water intake getting superheat, therefore gaining higher rpm with a total end result of double or tripling the horse power. Air pressure on board is a further benefit for starting the turbine, inflating tires, air seat, air ride ... etc. The hydrogen is already under 30 -60 lbs pressure from the reaction chamber. Turbo charging has always involved more fuel for the gained horse power. On
the air compressor side, the amount of discs used would be according to
max air
boost pressure without loosing more then 20% or best torque exhaust
turbo rpm.
The air from the compressor is taken through an intercooler, then again
a jet spiral cone cooling it as it enters the valvular conduit before
it hits
the conical combustion chamber for another vortex jet stream stage. As
you likely have noticed by now, the pipe diameter or area at the
beginning of
the flow is at most possible size (without widening) in order to funnel
it down
for the jet stream and vortex twist at a tad bigger as the next entry
again using the squeezing action to speed up the gases. Also on the
exhaust stack Schauberger’s principle is used with opposite result
enhancing the
vacuum. In
case you wonder why I used twin exhaust stacks on the main turbine, it
is for
better breathing/gas/vacuum flow purposes of the engine towards more
power of the exhaust gas turbine and equal side thrust,
Nikola Tesla did it that way. One thing about dual exhaust, it gets
quite tricky to extend a flanged stack past the two cooling
discs and lube oil chamber housing and still being able to
bolt the housing to the main turbine. I can see it done, but not
some fancy fabricating. For the same reason, sizing both turbines
equally would be more economical and faster to build. There would be
two countersunk
bolts applied close to the edge of the flange inside the
exhaust duct and the lube assembly combination. Since we are
talking about dual exhausts, I've been thinking of doing the same with
the exhaust gas turbine, because of the disc stack length it would make
lot of sense; would be neat to have two big exhaust end flares sticking
out the back. :) Startup Turbo
Charged Disc
Turbine Combustion Chamber Vortex Type
The cone shape vortex chamber is made
out of SST 321 or SST 304. Better is Inconel 600/625/718 (Nickel alloy
is 70-50Ni., 14-20% Chromium,
6-less% Iron, 1% or less Man., better grades come with Mo., Nio., Co.),
which should be with or without
using two or three
twisting ribs causing the cooling vortex with enhanced density effect
more disc
adhesion and better viscosity. The rib installation is pending on
operating temperatures. The combustion liner, 1mm or 3/64" thick,
the chamber
side walls cooler and speeds up self ignition since it will be red hot
seconds at start up. The glow plug is the VW type. There is a heated
water-tube-ring on the
big end to blow steam with regulated pressure, mixed with air, between
the wall
and the red hot combustion liner cooling the liner while creating
superheated steam, which only partial steam
will be drawn out mixing with the
combustion and cooling the hot gases some just
before hitting the discs. The idea is only mixing enough steam with the
combustion to enhance the heat even further with bypassing the rest of
the superheated steam to mix it with the hot expanding gases in the
intake slot just
before hitting the discs.
Don't worry to much if you can't get 600 Inconel material. We use to use ordinary stainless steel, available anywhere, for our RC model jet turbine wheels, didn't have any way of cooling it, thus it's lifespan was predictable, although different with the combustors and exhaust cones. If your hard pressed use your ss-thermos bottle, except its material for our heat source is a little thin, which might pan out OK if it works the same way as RC turbine combustors at 0.3 - 0.5 mm!!! You should be able to regulate the combustion liner temperature with the cooling steam pressure,volume and bypassing air flow to the proper operating temperature. The amount and proper position of the holes in the liner are strictly trial and error and once the right pattern is found, performance will stay the same if copied. Hydrogen (H) gas, see below, is highly flammable and will burn at concentrations between 4% and 75% by volume in air. When mixed with oxygen across a wide range of proportions, hydrogen explodes upon ignition, which is why you have an open flame under the combustion chamber slot on startup until it works properly and you have all the safety settings marked and set. Hydrogen burns in air. It ignites automatically at a temperature of 560°C. Pure hydrogen-oxygen flames burn in the ultraviolet color range and are nearly invisible to the naked eye. If the turbine fails to start once you had it working, replace the glow plug etc. do not continue trying to start it, unless you found the problem!!!! 12V VW glow plugs should draw about 12A, if you run more than one, each should be hooked in series, through a dash mounted amp and battery Volt meter, telling you right away if one is out of commission. Glow plug temperatures are around 700°C. Temperature by color from just visible red is 500°C to bright red at 900°C. Consequently if your battery is not in good shape you will not get the proper glow plug temperature! Aren't you honkin happy your SG is looking after the proper charging levels keeping your batteries up to snuff! Warning: Never store hydrogen in any container. Working with pure hydrogen takes a good organized mind, careless mistakes will get you hurt or killed. The length of the slot of the slot-assembly directly below the combustion chamber is designed to the total width of the runner disk-pack in between both end-disks, much like a cross-flow turbine with close tolerance to the OD of the running disks and therefore giving room for more end-play between the end-discs and turbine casing. The slot angle should not be aimed to the outer edge of the disc periphery instead a few degrees towards the center of the discs to get immediate disc surface action which is a benefit if the housing clearance to the end discs is excessive. If you don't get enough heat out of the glow plug change the battery. The combustion liner is an insert fastened to the lid assembly. The water jacket is separate and part of the housing slot insert. See drawing above.
used either, glow or spark plugs for ignition and quite a good size
cooled trough for starters, which is well visible on the gasoline setup
which he drove his own 50KW alternator being at least three times as
big in
size as the driving disc turbine (notice in the drawing it wasn't). The
first time in 1911 he did a
similar stunt
by using his derby hat size 110 HP turbine, steam driven. Later, in
1920 he went
to a narrow slot combustion chamber design for quicker combustion which
is the
occasion he was talking about the pulse combustion elevating to a
musical note,
which he achieved with his Gasoline disc turbine using the Valvular
conduit. His
330HP steam turbine with free exhaust with a 24 disc 18” runner
occupied only a 20 x 35” platform at 5 feet high including the
regulator and all.
designing the disc housing longer as needed one can add or subtract
discs until
the proper power envelope is reached, thus machining the housing and
shaft to
proper length. Just keep in mind that running the main turbine by
itself might
with different disc spacing as when a turbo compressor is charging it,
mentioned above which I am not quite sure yet. It all
depends on the exhaust velocity of the tight spaced discs with
the big exit openings. Also
it would be wise while designing your exact shaft size to order those
few pump seals
and piston rings first, before you start. These few items, by the way,
see to
the quality of your total operation of the unit….. the toughest
part. Use good bearings since the runner will
rotate at least 35'000 RPM for 5.5" disc sizes of small number. The
piston rings (used to be common practice on turbochargers) are used on
the shaft
and inner exhaust side of the turbine stopping the gases from entering
the next
compartment. If you can’t get any piston rings just space the housing
apart from the heat source and add some more disc blowers, which is
what they are designed for and my idea! The piston ring takes up some
of the side thrust like a car hub takes, thus if you eliminate the
piston ring use the tapered roller bearings like wheel bearings, only
if needed. Consequently while designing the housing make sure you
have enough meat to machine it out to the size of a tapered
thrust bearing on both sides if the standard bearings do not cut it
(consider the rpm!). My truck turbo charger has standard bearings
running in oil for years and is still going strong, thus I do not think
the expensive air journal bearings are needed. If you insist in running your turbine oil
free, you can setup your oil free bearing yourself, if you so wish, by
machining your own plastic bearings. There are very tough plastics on
the market which outdo any steel bearings. I know them from my backhoe
days, used them on dry bucket links where there was high pressure
stress with grit involved daily with nearly no wear compared to
lubricated hardened steel bushings, of course no high temperature
stress was involved. Google the Net for the right plastic for your
If you
have a fat wallet, below
is your other option, if you can get them:In your oil free turbine you need to use a NICRMO alloy shaft and bring the bearing surfaces to high polish, measure the finished shaft bearing surface at 220°C best operating temp. and give the plastic AFM-EP10 bearing 1 thou clearance accordingly. There... you just saved yourselves a bundle!!! Just keep the running shaft temperature in mind, 400°C for short duration is pushing for damage, same with the seals, which is why you should use the cooling discs! It might interest you that Tesla ran his small 7" 1KW 3/4" disc turbine shaft at 30'000 rpm floating in a solid approx. 5" long gray casting with an end disc on either side to keep it in line fed by an oiler/oil bath in the center of the housing. He probaly had the shaft surface hardened In
my case I designed a double, although can be multiple blower disc pack
with distant spacers,
on a woodruff key which stops the discs from turning, being squeezed
between two snap
rings. The blower is there to keep the compartment
door from heating up and seal from melting. 'Course you use
center openings on the discs as usual. By the way, the discs on a shaft
without a housing will develop air current once spun up.
of stud/rivet installation: Threaded Shaft with end-flange
and 2
keys in the slots. The sleeve with keys and threaded ends and washers
dia same or just below the exhaust windows which are used to draw the
whole disk
pack together with two nuts the size of the sleeve. The outside tapered
end disk with
triple width of the disks and plain, meaning no exhaust windows unless
the exhaust or
intake is both ways. There are four/eight stud holes on a circle close
to the
OD of the disks in a 16
divided circle (skipping one hole) which are occupied with a stud each
and peened, next is
the eight spike star washer, then 1 disks with 16 stud holes
occupying eight studs (skipping one hole) and peened into place and
pressed over
top of the 8 existing
studs of the end-disc offset by one stud. Next is another star washer
then a disk again with eight studs peened onto it and pushed over the
of the eigth first and second existing studs while the first studs now
get peened to the third disk. Again a spacer star washer and the next
disk is fitted with eight studs and peened to it and pressed over the
protruding studs and again eight are peened to it and so on.... This
the studs get all fastened in a staggered fashion while fastened to
disc on both ends. Peening
flattening and spreading the end of the stud, locking the
stud into place on the disk. This part is a little cumbersome, because
you have to build yourselves a tool. For example a rod pressed into a
base plate with strips and washers coinciding with the number of the
disc and spacing of your runner you are planning to peen, which you
slide into the
runner as you go and use them for a solid spacing base mass to peen
individual stud without bending or spreading the individual disks out
of alignment. Material
used is
stainless steel 316 which is good for 800° C or use better grade. The
star spacers along with the washer spacers and thicker rivet spacers
are important for snap
especially in the hydraulic motor extending the star points by 20% if
you want
to lay rubber with your motor bike. By using the press stamp method
protuberances on the discs of the disc thickness formed on the tool and
while punching out the discs both, the washers and stars can be
eliminated as long
one does not forget the distance spacers on the shaft. You can even try
leave the star centers out of the discs using bolts from one end-disk
to the
other holding the disk pack together. It's called the overhung method.
There is probably a good reason
why Tesla
never did it that way on bigger turbines. Centrifugal force combined
with heat and
expansion for two.
Would probably be OK in the hydraulic motor though. He did use it on
the 40 lbs.steam powered 1 KW turbo alternator which turned over 30'000
rpm. Application is the
big thing,
you need to know why there are different
size rivets or washers used and in different spacings relative to OD
and ID of the
disc and the different reasons they are therefore. Using bolts instead
of rivets is not
recommended since you can't stagger them as you can stagger
The discs are under high centrifugal force and at the same time running
very hot. If the rivets are staggered the stretching forces of the
metal are better distributed, better yielding, less twisting and
warping as in bolts
where all holes across the pack are in line. If you have more than one
radius of rivets, like in bigger discs, the rivets must also be
staggered relative each circle. Except the star-spacers, everything
should be staggered for better flow, better yielding, less turbulence,
and more gripping
opportunity for the gases or oils to push the discs ahead for brisker
of rotation and better torque for take off with the hydraulic motor for
instance....application ....application!!!! In fact on the hydraulic
motor I'd use a stud and1/2" washer combination for extra torque.
water and oil there is no give under compression whereas with
gas or air there is!!! The washers and rivets are a type of compression
or hindrance in the forward velocity of the gases or oils. Thus beside
the the
molecular adhesion and viscosity of the fluid
properties to
the disk surfaces, the star spacers tips, washers and rivets give some
impact thrust for extra torque besides holding the whole disk pack
If you use the overhung method on the runner use 4 long rods for stability. Counter sink four of the holes to the thickness of the plate on the 16 circle like explained above of the face plate of the first row and install four rods same thickness as the rivets as long as the width of the full disc pack is equally divided into the 16 parts and peen those into the counter sunk holes of the face plate, with the rest commence as above. On a peace of paper I drew 15 vertical lines for 13 disks and two end plate images. Along the first I placed 16 dots for the holes, then I drew the rivets across from left to right which gave me four rivets, next three, then four and so on. This way I could see how the rivets where staggered checking for equal placement for good balance of the runner. Visual Control Gauges: Battery Volts, Amp meter for glow plugs, water temp., water press., pyro EGT, boost press, air press., reaction chamber pressure and LED level, water tank LED level, ignition on/off.
make sure that you do not venture onto some frustrated goose chase, I
suggesting, you start first with your fuel source. You most likely will
go for
the hydrogen setup, hence I would get it going first. Along
with the hydrogen gas you need stored compressed air for starting. Second,
I would build the combustion chamber of choice and set it up on some
performing arrangement. Make sure the gas side is under pressure,
would be both. For safety, light your torch and clamp it
near the exhaust when starting out first time. A Valvular conduit works like a reed valve on a pulsejet,
then you are away to the races, If you get it to run without the check
valves it
won’t be quite as fuel efficient and probably won’t idle well. In any
case you
do need some sort of backflow prevention. Not until you succeeded to
those hot gases out of the narrow combustion chamber slot, are you
ready to run
a Tesla turbine. Thirdly,
I would make up my mind what system I would use to produce the steady
15 -25
amps needed for the 12V consumption, Bedini or driven alternator. If
you go for
the above power package, then simply run the alternator or Bedini
hydrostatically or small hydraulic Tesla disc drive. Just make sure you
use two
for long life. One
could mount a pulley at the end of the shaft by creating a coolant
intake off
the side on the water pump with an end-housing seal. The
other alternative of course is mounting a Bedini monopole with own
primary battery beside the engine running itself charging the second
while the third one is being discharged due to hydrogen production. Also
keep in mind that you can produce hydrogen with a Bedini monopole… etc.
etc. ______________________________________________ Water Electrolysis
The Hydrogen Oxygen Gas Mix or water vapor is derived from the Fuel Cell on demand, which principle we will stay with. The fuel cell being a water capacitor as described above or by Stanley Meyer's patent which of course had been tampered with, most likely by the same money grabbers who had him killed. Keep it in mind while studying the patent. I am not convinced yet that Stanley Meyer used a toroid transformer. I am aware that most hydrogen system on the market do not by far produce enough H-gas to run an engine. What we are looking for is a very simple root method of a cascading production effect, which Stanley Meyer's creation had proven to be. Some of you might have seen the video where he was placing his hands around his reaction chamber after he had turned it on. I think he was looking for the cooling down effect, because negative energy cools the process instead of heating it. Good way to keep track of the proper operation of things. You don't have to go looking very far if you are familiar with Tesla, Gray and Bedini's radiant energy terms. Common expressions are popping up like polar pulsating frequencies, one-way gate diode converting AC into rectified pulsed DC, circuit always positive unidirectional, electromagnetic transformer, 0 ampere flow through capacitor, voltage is switched off with collapsing field, peculiar phenomenon occurring in the water capacitor by increasing voltage of over 1000 volts until pulse train collapse, inductors are used for storage and tuning with a capacitor...etc.. If the discharge from a capacitor through a spark gap is passed through the primary wire of few turns and the primary is provided with a secondary coil containing a larger number of turns, the well known peculiar high-frequency electrical alternating potential from one hundred thousand to one million times per second is produced, which is one way of creating a sharp gradient. There is another capacitor discharge used in Meyer's case, which you will see below. We have a small 1-1/2" stepped up 1:5 toroid transformer subject to a 50% pulsed duty cycle and two tuned 1" inductors sized to the water capacitor, with a diode creating a unidirectional circuit. The pulse generator's pulse working the primary of the toroid transformer is stepped up by five on the secondary winding, which inductive pulsating potential is being rectified through the diode going into a positive unidirectional mode and the following 1" - 100 turn 24AWG inductor in series with the capacitor is establishing an electromagnetic field charge-potential around itself. The voltage is switched off when the pulse ends, and the field collapses and produces another pulse of the same polarity i.e., another positive pulse is formed where the 50% duty cycle was terminated. Thus, a double pulse frequency is produced; however, in pulse train of unipolar pulses with a brief time when pulses are not present, while the water capacitor is taking on a climbing step-charge to 1000V or more, 'till the next collapse until reapplication of the pulse train. As the potential is charging the water capacitor in a unidirectional fashion, 0 electron current is flowing through it. In the isolated water bath, the water molecule takes on charge, and the charge increases. The object of the process is to switch off the covalent bonding of the water molecule and interrupt the subatomic force, i.e. the electrical force or electromagnetic force that binds the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to form a molecule so that the hydrogen and oxygen separate. By collapsing the high frequency one-way rectified potential stored in the inductor chokes, the well known sharp gradient occurs while a very high negative radiant energy pulse is shocking the water molecules while under resonance condition and thus braking down into its elemental components of hydrogen (2H) and oxygen (O) in high numbers. When a series LC network (the oposite is the parallel LC circuit index 39) is driven by a sinusoidal voltage at resonance frequency, the effective impedance across the LC network goes to zero acting like a short, meaning current flow will be at a maximum. The interesting thing about an unipolar generator (where used in the late 1800 before Tesla introduced AC) is not so much that it is not a conventional generator where no net magnetic flux lines are being cut, except the generator is producing DC, which would imply a continuously increasing magnetic field (entrance to Dirac Sea of negative energy electrons, not positrons), which might explain the climbing voltage in the reaction chamber. The HV would be showing up on the capacitor plates (pipes). The one-way 1N1198 diode is a hefty 40Amp-1200V Silicone Power Rectifier worth an arm and a leg. I am using the "Spiritofmaat" circuit hooking it to the toroid transformer to see what happens. Keep in mind that the induced electron flow of the secondary is moving in the opposite direction as the primary of the toroid. The conductor coil L opposes change in current and will be positive on the toroid/diode side and negative towards the water capacitor. The other pipe of the water capacitor will be positive. Same with the moving magnetic field of the next coil will start with more positive electrons and end up with more negative electrons on the opposite side. This steady climbing negative EMF will greatly multiply at the magnetic field collapse. The equivalent of 1N1198 is DIGI-KEY part # VS-70HFR120-ND (1200V) approx. $7.35 US stud nut type For the toroid core I'm using magnetic sand index (r) by machining a 1/4" flat groove into a wood face 1-1/2 OD x 3/4" ID for the mold. The SS- tubes of the reaction chamber are 3/4" OD, 1/2" OD and 6" long nine each. eight in a circle and one in the middle supported by a plastic grid and narrow plastic inserts (letting the bubbles through) held in place through drilled holes in the inner situated tubes. Clearance between the double tubes should be around 1mm. -----------------------------------------------
Bedini wayFor a second approach, I will be using John Bedini's oscillator trigger device. A tryfilar inductive-coupled 1:1 transformer which is an environmental amplifier for negative energy. Very simple and very powerful in example: 12V and 300KW negative energy with components such as SCR, 555 timer, opto coupler, 1:1 transformer, 1 KV diode bridge on pages 42, 43 and 106 in his FEG. I'll be just using the bridge with the water capacitor as on page 42 combined with Figure 28 and 29 without the battery to be charged. What you need to get is Bedini and Bearden's Free Energy Generation book INDEX (8) "FEG". On page 94 you'll reed: "Via the E-amp effect, a multiple stage 1:1 pulse transformer actually serves as a powerful negative energy amplifier coming from the active vacuum environment." ______________________________________________
: Erwin ______________________________________________
Pass it on; it will be for the wellbeing of your own soul. |
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~19, 2005 BY THE Erwin-Badertscher, owner of the ERWIN BADERTSCHER(SIC),